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Unciv contains built-in capabilities for packing images and autoupdating uniques.

You can automate these updates by adding a GitHub Actions workflow to your repository.

  • In your Github page go to "actions" tab
  • Suggested for this repo > Simple workflow > "Configure"
  • Copy the text of this file ("copy raw file") to the new file in your repo
  • Change the file name to "autoupdate.yml" at the top
  • "Commit changes" (green button, top-right) > "Commit changes"

On every commit, and once per day, it will:

  • Try to shrink PNGs (this is lossless, the pixel data remains the same but the file takes less space)
  • Try to autoupdate deprecated uniques

If there are changes, this will create a PR to your repo - here's an example - which you can choose to accept

If you see that the autoupdate isn't 100% - in which case talk to me and we'll sort it out 🙂


If you get a remote: Permission to <...>.git denied to github-actions[bot]. You need to:

  • Open Settings > Actions > General
  • Under "Workflow permissions" select "Read and write permissions", "Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests"